The settlement in the valley of Váh river in the area around present-day Hubová, Švošov but also the area around Stankovany and Komjatná was traced back even to the period before Middle Ages.Several archeological sites in this locality can prove it. The area of these municipalities has beenrather frequently passed through since prehistoric times. A very important trade road to Poland wentthrough present-day Komjatná, the main route directed to Švošov and through Komjatná valleythrough Komjatná toward northeast. Here it was separated into two branches, one lead to Jasenováand the second one to Žaškov accross Orava along Orava river up to Poland. This trade road wasmuch older than the one that lead through Ružomberok into Dolný Kubín, as it is traced back to theperiod of Veľká Morava (Great Moravia Empire).
Today is 15.1.2025
Today's name day Deidre, Deirdre, Bonita, Bonnie, Liewellyn, Lila, Lilia, Lilian, Liliana, Lilianne, Lillie, Lilly, Lily
Tomorrow's name day Tristan, Tristen, Tristin, Troy
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